Peaceful garden area of Yak & Yeti Hotel in Kathmandu, featuring a white tent, outdoor seating, and ducks walking on the lawn.

For the last 40 years, the Yak & Yeti Hotel has maintained its reputation as one of the top luxury business hotels in Nepal.
The hotel asked us to update and contemporize its branding, communication collaterals and uniforms to reflect the modernization of the city and cater to a wider audience. Since it had been a business hotel for 40 years, the guests were mainly men on work trips. Today, the hotel wants to increase its appeal to women, families and holiday guests.

We softened the symbolism of the trident as a weapon and refined the curves to suggest the welcoming and warmth values of hospitality.
The trident is composed of 2 Ys reflected as in the original logo, the lines are simplified and made softer and more feminine. The upward curves suggest movement. The whole appearance is a cross between a trident and a gold opening flower. The center staff gives stability to the symmetrical design. The trident sits directly above the thinnest part of the ampersand as if rising from this place. The word “Hotel” is removed.

The Logo: before and after
We revitalized the logo by slimming it to its simplest form, changing the colour palette and the fonts. The result is an elegant symbol that can create a multitude of patterns reminiscent of the traditional designs on the surrounding architecture.

One of the challenges in rebranding this iconic hotel was to bring subtle and gradual changes that would imperceptibly make the experience of the Yak and Yeti better without affecting the perception of its audience.

Re branding, Collateral Design
CLIENT: Hotel Yak & Yeti, Nepal
SECTOR: Hospitality
YEAR: 2018